2010 Resolutions

I was delighted to see that I could kill two birds with one stone this week by blogging about my New Year’s Resolutions, which also just happens to be Mama Kat’s Writers’ Workshop prompt #5. I hope you all will keep me accountable on these!!!

1) I resolve to exercise 3 days a week. Now that my medicine seems to be helping, my only excuse for not hitting the exercise bike/treadmill/going for a brisk walk is that it’s way more fun to catch up on Heroes episodes online. But now, I’ve got PhD in Parenting and Lactating Girl keeping me honest. If you want to join the Twitter support group, just use the hashtag #mamafit!
2) I resolve to cook more often. Mark & I have been so busy recently that we’ve been making quick and easy dinners. I really want to experiment with gluten free cooking (I’ve been finding some GREAT websites!) and have more formal, sit-down dinners.
3) I resolve to try to work on blog posts ahead of time. Well actually, this is probably a lie. I know I pay for it the next morning, but I just can’t seem to write unless it’s at least 11:30 PM the night before I want to post. Case in point: I tried to start this post Tuesday late afternoon. It’s now close to 1 in the morning on Thursday.
4) Oh, and this one will make my dear husband very happy. In 2010, I resolve to try to clean out and organize my email inbox. Currently I have 6,452 messages. Mark insists this is in no way, shape, or form ok. Neither is my cluttered desktop full of shortcuts and folders and random documents. So honey, this is for you!

What are some of your resolutions? Do you follow through with them? Even bother to make any to begin with?


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20 responses to “2010 Resolutions

  1. What a great list!

    I need to make one. There are a few things I would like to work on. I too want to cook better meals rather than just trying to feed everyone something. I also need to clean out my inbox 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for contacting me with this information. I truly appreciate you reaching out to me. I am not involved in the website, but am very excited to check it out and start getting involved.
    I’m sure someday I will be a Marfan Mom too, and I can only hope to be as involved as you are! Thanks again,

  3. We’ll be working on ours tonight but I must say, we did pretty good on last year’s: http://zemeks.blogspot.com/2009/01/whats-your-new-years-resolutions.html

    Visiting from Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop. I chose the super power one.

  4. The email thing is a little bit crazy Missy. How did that even happen? Maybe I’m just blown away b/c I’m email-obsessed and I check and read mine like 45 times per day. Maybe that should be my resolution: relax on the inbox a bit! Thanks for sharing and happy New Year!

  5. I never make resolutions b/c I never keep them longer than the time it took me to make them.

    But cleaning up my inbox sounds manageable. I am going to try that too.

  6. OMG! My husbands email is the same way and it drives me insane. That will be such a great gift for your hubby. 🙂 However, it drives him nuts that my desktop is so cluttered but out of sight – out of mind in my world.

    visiting via mama kat

  7. Great resolutions Maya! I don’t usually make resolutions and for 2010I just plan to keep moving forward in some of the huge changes I have been making this year. Mainly, getting myself healthy. Hoping and praying that 2010 is the year I get back into at least a size 16 jeans again 🙂 (started at 28/30 down to a 22/24 since July 🙂
    I’m with ya on the cooking more and exercising regularly!

  8. My friend has an inbox just as large as yours and it amazes me that she finds the emails that she needs to reference to! It drives me nuts to have more than 5 read emails just sitting there because I haven’t deleted them. OCD? Maybe a little…

  9. Uhhh, yeah that’s a lot of email.

    Currently, I have 98 messages. You’re borderline crazy.

    But I do vow to keep my HOME more clean and organized. It’s a disaster right now.

  10. Sounds like a good solid list of resolutions. I think you can do it! I just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year, and also let you know that I gave you a “blog award,” and you can read about it here:


    I hope 2010 gets off to a great start for you and your family!

  11. Oh, thank you for having more messages in your inbox than I do! I don’t feel justified for having as many as I do, just better that I’m not alone. All right, onward and upward! Every year I have the optimism that next year I will be perfect. The unreasonableness of it never fails to lift my spirits.

  12. These are great resolutions. I need to find a better way to do the inbox thing at work – take advantage of the archive files – the “Mailbox too full” messages take up more space than other stuff 🙂

    (from SITS)

  13. Man, I still need to sit down and get my life in order for the year (or at least the next few months). Good luck accomplishing your 2010 goals!

  14. sheesh,I better get on the ball,love the list!
    thanks for stopping by!
    a SITS Sista

  15. Great list! I plan to do better with cooking too this year. Slacked off quite a bit Oct-Dec and now I’m paying for it in weight gain! EEE!!!

    My NY goals are here: http://farrah.tbfreviews.net/2009/12/new-year-new-goals/ ; and my blogging goals are here: http://farrah.tbfreviews.net/2010/01/my-blogging-resolutions/ …in case you wanted to stop by. 🙂

    Happy SITS Saturday!

  16. ROFL at “Well actually, this is probably a lie. ” Honesty at its best. 🙂

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog! That is a LOT of emails! I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions this year, except to update my picture on Facebook. I haven’t changed it since I created my profile.

  18. You will do great! I can’t ever make a list. I like going with the flow. Bet I regret that a little.


  19. Erin

    I have a good suggestion for a gluten free recipe blog. It’s glutenfreeinslc.blogspot.com

    The author is one of my old college roommates/good friends, who has Type 1 diabetes. Her boyfriend (who is also a Type 1), was diagnosed with Celiac several years ago, and she has been cooking/experimenting with gluten free cooking ever since, and she recently found out she has a gluten intolerance as well (which, I’m finding out is pretty common in Type 1s). I don’t think I’m gluten intolerant, but I actually cook a lot from her blog anyway, because the stuff is so tasty! Good luck with your resolutions! I need to finally make some . . .

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