Tag Archives: baby shower

Lovely Day

Today has been a near perfectly lovely day ๐Ÿ™‚ The only disappointing thing about it was that the ice forced Danielle and I to postpone our brunch plans. Other than that, I was able to take a nap, bake cookies, go to my Marfan meeting, catch up with some other friends, and READ. Today was my last meeting as head of the Central Ohio Marfan Network Group. I am really going to miss the friends I have made there, but I know we’ll keep in touch. Beth surprised me by bringing a small cake and everyone brought a little gift for the baby. They also said they want to stop by and meet Baby Z before we move, so today wasn’t *really* goodbye :-). When I got home, I got a call from Steeeeeve. Today is Ginny and Colin’s wedding, but I wasn’t allowed to go b/c it’s too close to my due date and their wedding was too far from a hospital in case I went into labor. Knowing how sad I am to miss it, Steve called me from the reception!!! I got to talk to Ginny and all my other Case friends. It made me feel a lot better about having to miss the wedding. Furthermore, I’ve been so exhausted today that I decided to spend some quality time tonight resting and reading Eclipse, the 3rd book in the Twilight saga (and saga is an excellent word for it, haha). I’m really loving being finished with school ๐Ÿ˜€

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Showered With Love

I’ve had a wonderful weekend! ย I am truly blessed with amazing friends. ย I don’t think I can ever articulate the support I’ve gotten during this time that Mark and I are apart and how much that means to me. I had two perfect baby showers this weekend, thrown by great friends.

Saturday I spent a couple of hours visiting some of my extended Figueiredo family, who I haven’t seen in quite awhile, and then headed to the first baby shower. ย Ginny and Yevgenia threw “Baby Pedro” and me a little shower with our APO friends + Susan & Holly. It was great! Yevgenia had it at her new apartment and her fiancee Adam was gracious enough to put up with a bunch of giggling girls for several hours. :-p The shower was ducky themed. Ginny baked a ducky cake and the favors were M&Ms in little ducky boxes.

We played the dirty diaper game, where diff. kinds of chocolate get mashed up and microwaved in a diaper to look like poo and we have to guess the type of chocolate.

Sarah tried to guess the contents by smell.


The girls also tried to guess the size of my belly using string. Katie was closest and most girls cut waaaaaay too much string. It made me feel better about last year when I mis-guessed at Anne’ss shower :-p

Finally, there was the water chugging contest using baby bottles. Classic!

Chloe and Sarah sucking away! Chloe ended up winning.

Marinda placed a close 2nd.

Also? I had a surprise visitor. Amber showed up all the way from Atlanta! Well, technically it was all the way from Michigan since she’d had a med school interview there on Thursday, but still. It was so great to see her!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

The two hostesses and myself: Ginny loves to poke “Baby Pedro.”

The lovely Cleveland ladies

Yesterday my friends Abbie and Janelle threw me a shower for the girls in our public health division: health behavior, health promotion. The shower was Dr. Seuss themed and they went ALL OUT. Abbie made treats straight out of the Dr. Seuss books, for instance. For example, green eggs and ham were cupcakes with the tops decorated like green eggs.

Lindsey was excited to win the diaper game!

Then we played the Price is Right game (complete with the music!) where we had to figure out if the real price for an item was higher or lower than the price Janelle initially presented.

Abbie revealed the real prices. Janelle sure was clever…she made it very difficult! I only got 30% right haha.

Abbie and Janelle (future professional party planners?)

So again, thanks to all my friends who made this weekend great ๐Ÿ˜€

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